The Model Electronics Railway Group

MERG is an international club for anyone interested in model railways.

The South Hants Area Group, of MERG, uses the premises of the SMRS, for their monthly meetings.

We are grateful that the club lends us full use of their facilities, and this has led to close cooperation between the MERG group and SMRS. In fact, some of our members have also joined SMRS as club members.

MERG is all about using electronics to enhance model railways, our members design and build electronics for controlling almost anything you could want to put on a model railway, from points to signals to lighting etc. The MERG system can also help to cut down on layout wiring and can be used to automate functions such as operating signals or setting routes.

You don’t have to be an electronics expert to belong to MERG, as help and advice is always available, both online and at our area group meetings. Check out our website at for more information.

The South Hants Area Group, of MERG has their own 009 gauge layout, within the SMRS club premises. This layout is operated using DCC and is currently being automated to enable it to be fully computer controlled.

© Copyright - Southampton Model Railway Society (SMRS). Website designed by Thom Tyler